【Online Review Volume, Customer Agility and Product Performance: An Empirical Big Data Study in the Mobile App Industry】2017年6月20日(周二)15:00【主讲】樊卫国(美国弗吉尼亚理工大学商学院会计与信息系统专业和计算机学院计算机科学专业水双职终身教授,商学院商务智能与大数据中心主任)【地点】北京科技大学经管楼312室
6.22(周四)讲座8场 【瑞典隆德大学社会学系Axel Fredholm系列讲座——Researching participatory development: The aim and findings of “Beyond the Catchwords”】2017年6月22日(周四)19:00【主持】刘能(北京大学社会学系副系主任)【主讲】Axel Fredholm(PhD, Senior Lecturer in Lund University)【简介】the lecture focuses on the impact of popular participation at rural level and pays attention to what people actually do when they are invited to participate in development planning. Emphasis is given to specific areas such as community development and irrigation management.【地点】北京大学理科五号楼201教室
【How Does the Timing of Markets Affect Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Sticky Price Model?】2017年6月22日(周四)14:00-15:30【主讲】Xuan Liu(东卡罗莱纳大学副教授)【地点】北京航空航天大学A1040
6.23(周五)讲座4场 【瑞典隆德大学社会学系Axel Fredholm系列讲座——Rural Development: theory, context and research】2017年6月23日(周五)19:00【主持】刘能(北京大学社会学系副系主任)【主讲】Axel Fredholm(PhD, Senior Lecturer in Lund University)【简介】This lecture introduces on some of the major trends of thinking in the field of rural development. Emphasis is given to key ideas and theoretical examples that have influenced the notion of rural development in the contemporary development discourse.【地点】北京大学理科五号楼201教室
【人大丨Marginal Treatment Effects in Theory Practice】2017年6月23日(周五)15:00 - 16:00【主讲】Edward J. Vytlacil(Department of Economics Yale University, USA )【地点】中国人人民大学科研楼A座702会议室